Unsaid, an original drama written by Southfield, Michigan resident Eric S. Goldstein, will run June 15-23 at Peace Lutheran Church in Southfield.
Making its Michigan premier, Unsaid explores the lives of siblings Jane and Joe. After a tragic loss, Jane and Joe relocate from southeast Michigan to a small town on Michigan's west coast to rebuild their lives. Just as they make progress with new friends and loves, their deadly past catches up with them.
Writer Eric S Goldstein, an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Livonia by day, first embarked on this project in 2014. "I was diving deep into the tension between pursuing one's own interests against the best interests of friends and loved ones. This was an exploration into that internal conflict without the self-centered angst-riddled soul-searching of Hamlet. Instead, we get to view the internal conflict through the eyes of loved ones, as they experience the ripple effects of the protagonist's struggle." Goldstein's overall message is "we are not in control of our lives. We are only in control of how we respond to what happens in our lives."
Director Laurie Smalis jumped at the opportunity to direct this original drama "because I felt that its theme is so relevant to today. Yes there is fear of terrorism but we can't let that rule our lives. We must stand up to it, keep living our lives and not hide." Smalis was drawn towards the strength of the characters of the show. "The lead female roles are strong, they have substance and I thank Eric for writing them that way."
Goldstein and Smalis are no strangers to collaborating with each other as Smalis directed Goldstein in the Farmington Players 2017 production of And Then There Were None. In addition, they both worked together on the Rosedale Community Players 2016 production of The Boys Next Door.
Reserved seats for Unsaid are available now by e-mail at goldstein64@comcast.net or by calling 248-762-8971.