Monster Box Theatre presents Reginald Rose's classic drama, 12 Angry Men, with a mixed gender cast. The show, directed by Kenneth Franzel and produced by Paul Stark, opens November 11th and runs through November 20th at Monster Box Theatre in Waterford.
The play concerns the deliberations of the jury of a homicide trial. At the beginning, they have a nearly unanimous decision of guilty, with a single dissenter of not guilty, who throughout the play sows a seed of reasonable doubt. The drama explores the flaws and strengths of both the justice system and the individual jurors as they focus on the timely issue of prejudice. 12 Angry Men stars a few of Monster Box Theatre's veteran actors as well as many other professionals, men and women, from around the area.
The show opens November 11th and runs Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 PM and two Sunday matinees at 2:00 PM. There are also industry nights with special pricing on Wednesday, November 16th at 2:00 p.m. and Thursday, November 17th a 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 at the door. For advance discount tickets between $12 - $16, visit or call the ticket hotline at 248.787.1400
Check out a trailer for the production below!