Magenta Giraffe Theatre Company of Detroit will present The Altruists, written by Nicky Silver. The production, directed by Molly McMahon, runs May 4-26, 2012. The Altruists will be presented at the Furniture Factory (4126 Third Street, Detroit, MI 48201). Tickets are $15-$18, with pay-what-you-can tickets available at all performances. Tickets may be reserved by phone at 313-408-7269 or at
The Altruists is a dark comedy that provides an unflinching look at the sometimes-shallow motivations behind people’s political actions and relationships with others – while providing lots of laughs along the way. After Sydney, a soap opera actress, is found to have committed murder, her friends, who spend their time attending protests and throwing stink bombs, must find a way to keep her out of jail to continue using her money to fund their political activities. Meanwhile, Sydney’s brother Ronald has struck up a relationship with a young male prostitute who seemingly has the firmest grasp on reality and ethics of anyone. Someone must make a sacrifice to maintain the status quo, and the climax of the play presents a grim perspective on the sometimes-hypocritical stances of many so-called altruists.
“The Altruists is an energetic romp filled with lots of laughs that still manages to pack a political punch at its conclusion,” says director Molly McMahon. “This production will please patrons looking for escapism as well as those looking for a play with socio-political themes.”
The cast includes Jonathan Davidson (Ferndale), Jill Dion (Pleasant Ridge), Alysia Kolascz (Ann Arbor), Richard Payton (Ferndale) and Cal M. Schwartz (Dearborn). Adam Crinson exhibits his scenic design; lighting by Neil Koivu; costumes by Lauren Montgomery.
Performance schedules of The Altruists will be Fridays at 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. There will be one Sunday matinee on May 20 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets will be $18 General Admission and $15 Student/Senior/Industry, with pay-what-you-can tickets available to all performances.