Grosse Pointe Theatre cordially invites those interested in theatre to come to its first membership meeting of the season on Monday, September 14. The meeting will be held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, 32 Lake Shore Road in Grosse Pointe Farms. The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. with a social half-hour including refreshments and information tables.
The theme of the meeting is "Come Join Us!" There will be representatives for the technical areas of theatre, including costuming, makeup, lighting, sound, set design, set construction, properties and set dressing. There will also be tables to discuss acting, multi media production and education. Those interested in joining GPT might also participate by assisting with social events and publicity.President Kathleen Conlon will conduct the formal meeting, to introduce board members and show directors. Following the meeting a troupe of Grosse Pointe Theatre singers will repeat their rousing performance from the Grosse Pointe Village Block Party.Grosse Pointe Theatre invites anyone who loves theatres, whether experienced or not, to come and talk to members about this community theatre which is now in its 62nd season. Membership in Grosse Pointe Theatre is open to persons, age 18 and up, who enjoy theatre. Annual dues are $30 per year. Membership includes the opportunity to participate in all GPT shows, social events and related activities. Those who joined prior to August 31st will be able to vote on technical production and acting for each of the five major productions in the GPT season.Videos