The Flint Institute of Music and the Flint Downtown Development Authority have announced the annual Fourth of July Music Around Town Concert and Fireworks Celebration at Atwood Stadium have been cancelled.
Governor Granholm's recent Michigan Safe Start Plan Executive Orders restrict outdoor public gatherings to 250 or less and lay out clear guidelines for maintaining proper social distancing in order to continue mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
The concert has attracted thousands of participants in the past few years. "In light of these current public health and safety precautions the concert cannot be presented as planned," said Rodney Lontine, Flint Institute of Music, President & CEO.
Lontine continued, "FIM and our friends at the Flint DDA are committed to keeping everyone safe. We are looking at the possibility of holding an outdoor concert sometime later in the year if restrictions limiting outdoor gatherings of larger groups are lifted, and all other requirements for safely presenting a concert can be met." An announcement will be made once a decision is made.