Emergent Arts will present "The UFO Show III (Unidentified Funny Objects): En Vacances Comiques", an evening of standup, storytelling and original songs, on August 29 at 8pm at The Mix Studio Theatre, 8 North Washington Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
The show will feature the standup comedy of Chevy Hungerford, Drew Grimaldi, Germaine Gebhard, Brad Wenzel, Andy Jentzen, and Marty Smith, as well as humorist and songwriter Marc Holland. Go to www.emergentarts.com for complete info.
The Mix Studio is located at 8 N. Washington Street, Ypsilanti, MI. The show is set for August 29, 8 pm. E-mail: info@emergentarts.com for additional info. Admission: All tickets $8. Available on-line at www.emergentarts.com. Phone: (734) 985-0875.