On March 27, Emergent Arts' newest Sunday night show at The Yellow Barn, "Stage Time", will be teaming with Emergent Arts' Unclub to present some of the best and brightest comedians the state has to offer. National headliner Mark Sweetman M.C.'s a lineup that includes Nicki Wright and several rising stars in the standup community.
"Stage Time" is 8:00 pm on Sunday March 27, followed at 9:30 pm by Emergent Arts' own UNclub Open Mic. Tickets to "Stage Time"at 8 pm are $10 at the door or on-line at www.emergentarts.com. UNclub Open Mic at 9:30 admission is by suggested $5 donation at the venue.
Mark Sweetman has performed in L.A., New York, Detroit and Las Vegas, and colleges all over the country. He has appeared on A&E's "An Evening at The Improv" and "Comedy on the Road" (for which he received an Ace Award), and FOX's "Comic Strip Live" and "Comedy Express".
Location: The Yellow Barn, 416 W. Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103.
Dates and Times: March 27 at 8:00 pm ("Stage Time") and 9:30 pm ("UNclub").
E-mail info@emergentarts.com for additional info.
Admission: "Stage Time"-$10; "UNclub"-Suggested $5 Donation.
Tickets: At the door or on-line at www.emergentarts.com
Phone: (734) 985-0875
Website: www.emergentarts.com