Emergent Arts presents the readers' theatre play Screen Play by A.R. Gurney on January 22-25 at 8pm and January 25 and 26 at 2pm at The Mix Studio Theatre, 8 North Washington Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
The show will play The Mix Studio Theatre, 8 N. Washington Street, Ypsilanti, MI. Dates and Times: January 22-25 at 8pm and January 25 and 26 at 2pm. E-mail: info@emergentarts.com for additional info.
Admission: $12 General Admission, $10 Seniors and Students with ID. Available on-line at www.emergentarts.com, or at the door. Bring your day of show dinner receipt from Haabs and exchange for $4 discount/rebate on ticket. Phone: (734) 985-0875.