The Children's Theatre Network of Performance Network Theatre invites audiences of all ages to "Big Bully - a Rock Musical" with book and lyrics by Aral Gribble II and Carla Milarch and music by Jim Wheeler today, September 28, 2013 at 1pm.
Tickets are $7 for children, $10 for adults, and $20 for a family package of four. Tickets may be purchased at the door or online at, by calling 734-663-0681.Bullies are everywhere - at school, on the bus, online. But where do they come from? How can our children know if they are being a bully and how they can stop bullying behavior from other children? Follow Biff, an ex-bully, on the musical journey of how one brave friend helped him turn his life around. Appropriate for grades K-8."Big Bully - A Rock Musical" will have an additional performance on January 25, 2014 at 1pm.Videos