Due to unforeseen circumstances, the previously selected director for Center Stage Jackson's 2019 Dinner Cabaret has stepped down from the position. They are currently accepting requests to interview for the cabaret director position.
Following last season's wildly popular Cabernet Cabaret, this year's annual cabaret will once again be held at the Sandhill Crane Vineyards (4724 Walz Rd. Jackson, MI 49201). This year's event, however, will span six performances over two weekends to accommodate more guests: April 5-7 and 12-14, 2019. The theme may be chosen by the director. This cabaret will be produced by Susanna Ellis.
Any persons interested in directing this production should contact Administrative Director Katie Meyers at admin@centerstagejackson.org on or before December 12, 2018 for more information and/or to schedule an interview.