The Clucked Up Comedy series brings "Saturday Night Sizzle - The Hot 'Chicks' of Comedy" to Detroit's intimate City Theatre on Saturday, September 15 starring comedian/actress Vanessa Fraction (Mike Epp Presents-Live from the Nokia/Barber shop 2), Ashima Franklin ( Martin Lawrence 1st Amendment stand up/Monique Show), comedian/actress Tiffany Haddish (Showtime special Snoop Dogg's "Bad Girls Of Comedy/ It's always sunny in Philadelphia ) and introducing comedian/actress Jamila Hamlett aka "JAM" (stage plays/Cheaters). Hosted by Detroit's own comedian/impressionist Martini Harris (One Mic Stand with Kevin Hart/Corner Store), "Saturday Night Sizzle" will take to the City Theatre stage for two performances at 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.