Inspired by the true-life story of Asner's long-time collaborator, Ed Weinberger, A Man and His Prostate tells the story of a man on vacation in Italy.
Ed Asner, the most honored male performer in the history of the Primetime Emmy Awards, will still visit The Sauk, but audiences will have to wait until October. Asner will bring his one-man show A Man and His Prostate to the Jonesville venue for two performances, October 28 and 29 at 7:30 p.m.
"We hate to keep delaying Mr. Asner's visit to Jonesville," said Sauk Executive Director Trinity Bird. "However, we have already sold over 60 percent of the tickets available and given the current capacity restrictions, we cannot accommodate all those who purchased tickets. We also want to make sure we can host the show when Mr. Asner can safely travel to Michigan."
Bird had discussed alternate locations with Asner and his daughter Liza, who manages his tour.
"Mr. Asner believes in the promotion of small town theatres and felt strongly that he wanted to perform in our building," Bird said. "We also believe the pandemic will be in a safer place later this year."
"Let's beat this thing together so we don't have to reschedule again," Asner said. "Some things are worth the wait - I promise this is one of them!"
Inspired by the true-life story of Asner's long-time collaborator, Ed Weinberger, A Man and His Prostate tells the story of a man on vacation in Italy. After collapsing, he finds himself a patient in a hospital full of doctors who don't speak English. While funny and irreverent, the show includes a very sincere message about serious men's health concerns.
Asner may be best known as Lou Grant, a character he played on both "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Lou Grant." His voice is also recognized as Carl in Disney Pixar's "Up."
All currently sold tickets have been transferred to the corresponding new date (Thursday for Thursday, Friday for Friday). Current ticket holders only need to contact The Sauk if they want to move their tickets to the other performance date or if they want to request a refund. Those wishing for a refund are encouraged to consider donating their tickets back to The Sauk.
Tickets are still available for both performances. All tickets are $25. Tickets can be purchased at or by calling 517-849-9100. Please note the play contains adult language and material that may not be suitable for younger audiences including frank discussions of male anatomy.
The Sauk, Hillsdale County's community theatre, produces a season of 8 productions.
More information about upcoming productions and auditions can be found at