Broadway producers and creators of American Scoreboard, an ongoing produced series that follows the Trump administration with selected verbatim readings of U.S. Senate and Congressional transcripts, Fran Kirmser and Christopher Burney, have teamed up with Detroit Public Theatre to bring the series to Detroit March 2 and 3 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD).
Featured reading for the Detroit dates will be the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with Clint Watts on the Russian interference in the 2016 election. Created and produced by Kirmser and Burney, the American Scoreboard series brings together actors from theater, television and film to encourage all citizens of every background and political persuasion to actively engage in and listen to the language of our leaders.
The one-hour readings are presented without intentional slant or interpretation. The American Scoreboard production is a collaboration with MOCAD and Detroit Public Theatre as well as local Detroit theatres The Hinterlands, Matrix Theatre Company andShakespeare in Detroit.
Admission: $5 (Free with advance reservation for MOCAD Members and Detroit Public Theater Subscribers)
Link to reserve tickets can be found on the homepage at
Casting for the Detroit production will include Detroit area actors.