Come and hear how beautiful choral music is created during the Kalamazoo Bach Festival Society's 19th annual High School Choral Festival on Wednesday and Thursday, February 1st and 2nd, in Kalamazoo College's Light Fine Arts Building. Clinician Dr. Sandra Snow, Professor of Choral Conducting and Music Education, Michigan State University, will coach ten school choirs from across southwest and mid- Michigan.
The Choral Festival begins with a welcome, followed by 20 minute segments for each choir to perform two pieces for Dr. Snow, the other choirs, their conductors, and any area music lovers and guests who would like to attend. The festival is non-adjudicated and provides singers with an opportunity for education and growth in a non-competitive setting. All choirs remain in the auditorium so that they may hear the others and learn from the clinician's comments. The Choral Festival is open to the public.
Choirs participating on Wednesday, February 1st, are from Otsego, Loy Norrix, Mattawan, West Ottawa, and Rockford high schools. On Thursday, February 2nd, the Plainwell, Kalamazoo Central, Vicksburg, Portage Central, and Three Rivers high school choirs will perform.
The Festival runs from 9:10am to 1:30pm on both days. Dr. Snow will prepare and conduct all students in a performance of "I See the Heaven's Glories Shine", by Andrea Ramsey, from 12:10pm to 1:20pm each day with all choirs singing together.
As conductor, teacher, and scholar, Dr. Sandra Snow's work spans a wide variety of ages, abilities, and music. She holds appointments in conducting and music education at the MSU College of Music where she interacts with undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of conducting, choral pedagogy, and choral singing. Snow conducts the Michigan State University Women's Chamber Ensemble, a group that has appeared as featured performers at American Choral Directors Association conferences. As guest conductor, she travels extensively conducting all-state and honor choirs and holding residencies with singers of all ages. Snow holds a Ph.D. music education with a choral cognate from Michigan State University.
The High School Choral Festival in February is a free event open to the public. For further information regarding any of the Bach Festival's educational outreach events or concerts, visit their web site at