Vision Duo, comprised of young dynamos Britton-René Collins and Ariel Horowitz, presents the unique Genre-fication, an exploration of musical genres and sonic possibilities for violin and percussion. They both are recipients of the 2020 Concert Artist Guild Competition’s Ambassador Prize.
Program to include:
Blues Train, Sheridan Seyfried (1984 -)
Nocturnes for Violin and Marimba (2017, rev. 2018), Matt Curlee (1976-)
I. Oneiral
II. Ethereal
III. Arterial
IV. Residual
Coyotes (2018), Connor Chee
Carmen Fantasy, Pablo de Sarasate arr. Vision Duo (1844-1908)
Misty, Erroll Garner arr. Vision Duo (1921-1977)
Sonata for Violin and Keyboard in E Major, BWV 1016, J.S. Bach arr. Vision Duo (1685-1750)
III. Adagio ma non tanto
Histoire du Tango, Astor Piazzolla arr. Vision Duo (1921-1992)
I. Bordel 1900
II. Café 1930
III. Nightclub 1960
Series with support from Hermine J. Drezner • Harriett M. Eckstein
South Florida Recital Debuts with support from The Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation
With support from
POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive
Adrienne Arsht Center (1/9 - 1/26) | ||
Spamilton: An American Parody
Aventura Arts & Cultural Center (1/24 - 1/26) | ||
SAW the Musical: The Unauthorized Parody of Saw
Broward Center (1/12 - 1/14) | ||
An Evening with Josh Gad: In Gad We Trust
Broward Center (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
The Book of Mormon (Non-Equity)
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts [Dreyfoos Hall] (3/11 - 3/16) | ||
Step By Step
Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre (7/16 - 8/10) | ||
The Girl on the Train
Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre (5/14 - 6/8) | ||
Mystic Pizza
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts (5/13 - 5/18) | ||
Avenue Q
Entr'acte Theatrix (3/6 - 3/16) | ||
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