This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve.
Master Class (2/4/25-2/4/25)
Every Brilliant Thing (3/25/25-3/25/25)
The Lifespan of a Fact (4/18/25-4/18/25)
A Doll's House, Part 2 (3/12/21-3/28/21)
No Child... (Sun) (10/8/20-10/18/20)
A Doll's House, Part 2 (4/10/20-4/26/20)
Straight White Men (11/29/19-12/15/19)
Blackbird (5/5/13-5/21/13)
Walking the Wire: TMI (3/1/13-3/10/13)
A Steady Rain (3/30/12-4/15/12)
Walking the Wire: This Will Never Work (3/2/12-3/11/12)
Guys on Ice: An Ice Fishing Musical Comedy (1/20/12-2/19/12)
The Cripple of Inishmaan (10/28/11-11/13/11)
A great city deserves serious theatre. Theatre that sparks discourse, builds community, delights, inspires, breaks down barriers, and explores the complexities of the human spirit. Riverside Theatre strengthens the cultural fabric of Iowa City through intimate, engaging productions from classics to new works, fostering a deeper appreciation for the dramatic arts. A theatre of passionate professionals helping to build an inclusive, world-class cultural city. As a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization, we’re largely supported by contributors—50% of our income comes from contributions and sponsorships. We employ a year-round staff of seven, and within each season we employ over 100 artists. Riverside Theatre is governed by a volunteer board of directors.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Colony Theatre (12/13 - 12/22) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts [Dreyfoos Hall] (1/7 - 1/12) | ||
Colony Theatre (4/3 - 4/27) | ||
Disney's Frozen, The Broadway Musical
Maltz Jupiter Theatre (1/7 - 1/26) | ||
Mystic Pizza
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts (5/13 - 5/18) | ||
Jerry's Girls
Pompano Beach Cultural Center (1/10 - 1/19) | ||
The Sound of Music
Lake Worth Playhouse (1/17 - 2/2) | ||
Disney's Beauty and The Beast
Area Stage (11/14 - 12/22) | ||
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