West Coast Players will end its production of Three Days of Rain by Richard Greenberg, directed by Jimmy Chang on March 21st.
This drama explores how the private worlds of one generation are reinterpreted by the next. Brought together for the reading of a will, three young adults - sister, brother, long-time friend unwittingly replay their parents' tangled relationships. In Act Two, the same actors play youthful versions of the parents - business partners in love with the same woman!
Three Days of Rain
By Richard Greenberg
Jimmy Chang
Note: production contains some adult
Directions to WCP Theatre:
In Clearwater, take US 19 N to Drew St. Turn east toward Best Buy. Turn at the light at Best Buy onto the access road. Follow the access road to the stop sign and turn right into the first group of units.
West Coast Players to Host One Woman Art Reception
At March 5th Opening of
"Three Days of Rain"
For more information, visit http://www.wcplayers.org/2008-WCPlayers/