LATER LIFE is a poignant comedy about a middle-aged couple who re-discover each other at a cocktail party. The show closes on Feb. 28.
Their attempts to rekindle an 'almost' romance begun nearly 30 years ago are constantly interrupted by a well-meaning hostess and an array of zany party-goers. Veteran actors Midge Mamatas and Michael DuMouchel portray the entire cast of intruding party guests. Mary Kay Cyrus and Frank Robertson (recently retired WTVT-CH13 news anchor) complete the cast as the couple searching for love and understanding in later life. The production is directed by Kathy Richter.
CASA (Community Action Stops Abuse, is the designated benefit organization for this production.Venue Ensemble Theatre donates a portion of the proceeds from every ticket sold to the benefit organization.
Tickets are $15. Group Discounts available for parties of 10 or more. Seating is limited.Videos