Sol Theatre Project 1140 N. Flagler Dr. Fort Lauderdale 33304
July 14 - August 07, 2005 Preview Thurs, July 14 Thursday - Saturday at 8:00 P.M. and Sunday at 6:00 P.M.Cost: $20 Thurs, Fri, Sun and $22 Sat (students under 30 w/ID - $12 Thurs, Fri, and Sun only) (cash/personal check only at door) preview cost: $15 (Students under 30 w/ID - $8)Contact: Robert Hooker at 954-525-6555 (also box office) reservations may also be made through the web site at
New York City's gritty 42nd Street, before the "great clean up" sets the scene for Edwin Sanchez's compassionate and streetwise love traingle between three seemingly opposite gay men. Papo, a Puerto Rican street hustler past his prime must ultimately decide between a successful, sexually repressed lawyer, and a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty with a loving heart and a history of family abuse. How they come together, affect one another, and ultimately change each lives is the focus of this sincere, often hilarious, and poingant drama. Be advised - the production contains full frontal nudity and sexually explicit scenes.
Featuring Angel Perez, Dominick Giombetti, and Ross Pivic Directed by Robert Hooker . Designed by Robert Hooker and Jim GibbonsSound by Marc ScottStage Managed by Jeff Holmes