"The Man with the Plastic Sandwich" is a show about a recently unemployed engineer who encounters an interesting cast of characters while spending his once work-filled afternoons in the park. The show is being presented by the Venue Ensemble Theatre and staged at the Venue Actor Studio in Pinellas Park. (9125 US 19 N, Pinellas Park, 33782)
The cast includes Frank Robertson, Betty Jane Parks, Michael DuMouchel and Kathy Richter, and performances are November 4th - 21st. The November 4th show will be a "Pay What You Can" night. This show benefits the Homeless Emergency Project - you can learn more by visiting www.ethep.org.
To purchase tickets to "The Man with the Plastic Sandwich", log on to www.venueactorstudio.org or call 727-822-6194.