Just added to the King Center Line Up! This album won 8 Grammy Awards, produced 7 top 10 U.S. Singles and over $45 million in worldwide sales! Featuring hit songs "The Girl Is Mine," "Billie Jean," "Beat It" and "Thriller." Get your tickets early for the best seats to...
Craig Martin's Classic Albums Live: Michael Jackson's THRILLER Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Tickets On Sale to the Public: Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 10 am at the King Center Ticket Office
Internet Only Pre-sale: Friday, September 11, 2009 at 10 am visit www.kingcenter.com
Orchestra $28.00; Grand Tier $28.00, $20.00
Classic Rock! There's nothing like it! Not a tribute performance or a cover band. Classic Albums Live is an ensemble of world-class musicians recreating the greatest Rock albums ever recorded live on stage. Note for note, cut for cut using every instrument that it took to record that album exactly as you remember it. It's Rock ‘n' Roll played with the precision and fine detail of a philharmonic orchestra, only it's high energy classic Rock! www.classicalbumslive.com
Don't forget to come early to the pre-show PARTY On The PATIO (starting at 6 pm)! Grilled burgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken and chips will be available for purchase. Mingle at our outdoor bar featuring full liquor and soda. For this show patrons are also permitted to take their drinks into the theatre and enjoy them at their seat. All the ingredients are here for a party perfect atmosphere to celebrate a great classic album hit with family and friends!
Group discounts (20+) available call (321) 433-5824.
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If there is any additional information you require, please feel free to contact us.
As always, for the most up to date information on all of our shows, please visit our website at www.kingcenter.com