Primal Forces opens the 2019-2020 season with a powerful and poignant new comedy by Lindsey Ferrentino. The play, which debuted last year at New York's Roundabout Theatre, follows a Jewish family on a road trip that uncovers an old scandal and some shattering family secrets. The play features an all-star ensemble and runs November 15-December 8 at The Sol Theater in Boca Raton.
Tickets are $40-$45; Friday and Saturday evening performances begin at 8pm and Sunday matinees are at 2pm. For more information or call 866-811-4111.
"I am honored to bring together such a distinguished ensemble cast for this production," said director Keith Garsson. "This play, while often hilarious, explores a real family drama and lays bare topics that are not as readily discussed."
The plot revolves around two unhinged siblings who, after their father's death, reunite with Andy, their movie-loving brother who they haven't seen in years. Together, they careen down the Long Island Expressway, navigating strip malls, traffic jams and some serious (and not-so-serious) family drama. An unexpected turn reveals the moment that changed their lives and the fact that Andy may be the only one who knows his own mind.
The Boca Sol Theatre is located at 3333 N. Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL. 33431