Based on Disney's animated, Oscar-nominated film, Mulan, Disney's Mulan Jr. follows the story of a young girl who assumes a male identity, in order to keep her aging and infirm father from having to fight against the invading Huns in Ancient China.
"It's a story about being yourself, about finding your inner strength, about breaking gender norms and about looking beyond tradition," said Michelle Terl, the Artistic Director for the Parkway Middle School of the Arts.
With hit songs and a story packed with action, humor and heart, LPAC audiences traveled back in time to experience a heartwarming celebration of honor, culture and the fighting spirit - bringing ancient China to life with a modern sensibility.
The CITY OF LAUDERHILL and the LAUDERHILL POLICE DEPARTMENT came together to sponsor the event, in a joint effort to further support and foster the arts locally and to encourage community involvement and engagement within the City of Lauderhill and it's neighboring communities.
"We are so grateful to the City of Lauderhill and the Lauderhill P.D. for making this new partnership possible...this partnership allowed us the chance to connect with our community and to broaden our students' experiences by taking this show on the road," Terl explained. "We really are neighbors, and I feel like this is just the beginning of what we might do together in the future. We've already felt so included by the City. The City's Commissioners have invited us to perform at many events and sponsored our Juried Art Show for years; the Educational Advisory Board has kindly supported our performing and visual arts program...[and] having this wonderful new facility right in our backyard is a wonderful new addition to our growing partnership, and I look forward to finding new ways to work together going forward."
*The LPAC is located at 3800 NW 11 Place, Lauderhill, FL 33311. It is located on the corner of Sunrise Boulevard and 441, just off of the Sunrise Boulevard exit and the Florida Turnpike. You can call the Lauderhill Performing Arts Center Box Office at (954) 777-2055, or visit their website at