Miami New Drama has announced a second extension for their critically acclaimed production of 7 Deadly Sins: Temptation in the Magic City. The innovative, site-specific and socially distanced theatrical event, performed in seven vacant storefronts along Miami Beach's historic Lincoln Road, will now play through Sunday, January 31. The production - the largest live theatre production currently onstage in the United States - was originally scheduled to close on January 3.
7 Deadly Sins is conceived and directed by Michel Hausmann, with additional direction by
Jade King Carroll and Moisés Kaufman.
A diverse group of nationally recognized, award-winning playwrights
Hilary Bettis,
Nilo Cruz, Moisés Kaufman, Rogelio Martinez,
Dael Orlandersmith, Carmen Pelaez and
Aurin Squire have written seven newly commissioned short plays, each focused on one deadly sin: Lust, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony and Pride. In rotation over 90 minutes, groups of twelve theatergoers maintain social distance, listening through headphones while actors perform the short plays safely behind the windows of the vacant Lincoln Road storefronts.
The pandemic has forced a spike in business closures on Miami Beach's historic Lincoln Road, one of the most expensive retail streets in the nation. 7 Deadly Sins, created with the support of the Lincoln Rd Business Improvement District (LRBID) and Mayor of Miami Beach Dan Gelber, finds an innovative approach to bring audiences and live performances back to one of the world's most famous commercial and pedestrian thoroughfares. Miami New Drama is also working with the LRBID on additional restaurant and retail partnerships to bolster the complete cultural and commercial reactivation of Lincoln Road.
The cast of 7 Deadly Sins features
Stephen G. Anthony,
Renata Eastlick,
Jessica Farr,
Kareema Khouri,
Mia Matthews,
Gerald McCullouch,
Andhy Mendez, Carmen Pelaez, Nate Promkul,
Christopher Renshaw, Gabriell Salgado, Caleb Scott, Sandi Stock and
Gregg Weiner.
Photo credit: Ernesto Sempoll
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