Miami Dade College (MDC), home of the CINTAS Fellows Collection, and the CINTAS Foundation have announced this year's visual arts finalists for the annual CINTAS Foundation Fellowship competition. The competition awards a $10,000 fellowship for each winner in three categories: visual arts, music and creative writing.
The CINTAS Board will decide upon this year's winners in all categories at its annual meeting on October 10th. The winners will then be announced at a special reception and awards ceremony at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10th, at MDC's Freedom Tower.
The 2013-14 CINTAS Fellowship Visual Arts finalists are:
Cristina Lei Rodriguez, Joseph Michael Lopez, Lourdes Perdomo, Marta María Pérez Bravo, Olivia Ramos, Lissette Schaeffler, Ruben Torres Llorca, Ivan Toth Depeña, and Angela Valella.
The jury: Rina Carvajal, an independent curator and critic based in Miami, Tony Chirinos, MDC Professor of photography, Kim Levin, independent art critic and curator, Abigail McEwan, assistant professor of Latin American Art History at the University of Maryland and Gabriela Rangel, director of Visual Arts and curator at the Americas Society.
About the CINTAS Fellowship Program
The CINTAS Fellowship Program encourages creative development in architecture, literature, music composition and the visual arts. The Foundation was established with funds from the estate of Oscar B. CINTAS (1887-1957), the former Cuban ambassador to the United States, a prominent industrialist and patron of the arts. In June of 2011, the CINTAS Foundation entered into an extended loan to MDC's Museum of Art + Design of the CINTAS Fellows Collection, comprised of nearly 300 pieces by artists of Cuban descent living outside Cuba who have received prestigious CINTAS Fellowships, awarded since 1963.
More information can be found on the Museum & Galleries website:
For more information about the CINTAS program at MDC Museum of Art + Design, please contact Jessica Brodsky at 305.237.7722, or
For more information about the exhibition, please call MDC's Museum of Art + Design at 305.237.7700.
Cintas Foundation
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