On November 15, 2013 TEDxJupiter will be held at the Max Plank Florida Institute for Neuroscience. TEDxJupiter is patterned after, governed, and licensed by TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design), the highly regarded free exchange of ideas conferences begun in 1984 by Richard Wurman. TEDxJupiter will feature experts in their respective fields who are passionate about improving our lives and the world in which we live. Local TEDx talks, like the one being held in Jupiter, are independently organized and allow communities and individuals to present their ideas in a nurturing environment.
Among those scheduled to appear on is local actor/director/set designer Peter Marzilli, who will present an abbreviated one-man show entitled Rejection, written by Donna M. Carbone, a Palm Beach Gardens' resident. Carbone said she hopes to stimulate dialogue through Marzilli's performance by presenting the question "Do movies influence how society sees itself and the world or does society's behavior influence the types of films being made?"
Also presenting at the conference will be environmentally conscious Palm Beach County resident James McCobb, an expert in sustainable agriculture and urban gardening. Jeramy Pritchett of Boca Raton is a socially conscious photojournalist who created the magazine Blindfold, which promotes a mindset of "giving back."
Stan Bronson, Executive Director of The Florida Earth Foundation, will talk about the Foundation's mission to bring together like-minded people determined "to ensure the environmental integrity of Florida and quality of life." Two highly regarded Scripps scientists will make presentations: Corinne Lasmezas, PhD will speak on neurodegenerative diseases and Dr. Roy Periana will discuss the design and study of coordination catalysts for small molecule conversion. Also scheduled to appear are Creativity Expert Share Ross, CEO of shareross.com; Keith W. Rizzardi, Chairman of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee, Andrew McClary, CEO of High Voltage Hotrods Inc. and Dr. Jean Wihbey, Provost, Palm Beach State College.
Jupiter Farms resident Ernie Lefler is coordinating the TEDx Jupiter event. Lefler is a retired naval aviator with a Master Degree in Business Administration. He is the owner of Quantum Leap Enterprises, a sustainable solutions company, and is a certified master gardener. When interviewed about his passion for the environment, Lefler said, "We are not leaving this world to our children, we are borrowing it from them and, because of that, we are obligated to leave it in better shape than we found it."
Assisting Lefler will be Katrina McCullough, Social Media Manager, and Paul Williams, Technical Advisor. Becky Woodbridge will serve as Master of Ceremonies.
TED's tagline is "ideas worth spreading" and TEDxJupiter's is "bold ideas for positive change". Interaction among the attendees at the event's featured 'experience labs' are an integral element and offer ample opportunity for collaborative projects to take shape. Few seats remain for this much anticipated event. To buy tickets, visit www.TEDxJupiter.com. The $75.00 price includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a reception featuring a buffet, beer, wine and soft drinks.