Mad Cat Theatre Company is seeking submissions from South Florida high school seniors and college seniors that will be pursuing theatre as their careers.
All submissions must include a resume or bio, a headshot and a paragraph (or two) on why they are passionate about theatre and want to pursue theatre as a career.
Submissions can be emailed to Ann Kelly Anthony at or mailed to Mad Cat Theatre, P.O. Box 347621, Miami, Florida 33134-7621 (and must be post marked by the 27th of May). All submissions must be received by June 1, 2014.
Winners will be announced in June 2014 and all will receive a minimum $500 scholarship (with a possibility of up to $1,000) and a crystal engraved award which will be presented at Mat Cat's summer show in August at the Sandbox at the Miami Theatre Center.
Mad Cat is also hoping to raise the bar by increasing each scholarship to $1,000 thru POWER2GIVE.ORG. Through this platform, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs is graciously underwriting all of the administrative fees, thus the funds raised will benefit directly the award recipients.
Mad Cat was born on the streets of Miami during the millennium. Its parent's identities have never been found. Mad Cat grew up to be a scrappy little tyke tearing away at society's problems, creating new plays that reflected the life and times of other stray cats it encountered in Miami. Now at 14, Mad has grown through its adolescence, deconstructing everything in its path on its never ending quest to bring you the Mad Cat sees it. But the years can weigh us all down, even Mad Cat. He knows he can't do it alone anymore. He's ready to take a scrappy little tyke (or two) just like him under his paw, and nurture the next litter of Mad Cats (some call them the "next generation") to tell the story of Miami's stray cats, as only they can tell.
Visit for all information regarding Mad Cat Theatre Company.