Office Space is a 1999 American comedy film satirizing work life in a typical 1990s software company. Written and directed by Mike Judge, it focuses on a handful of individuals fed up with their jobs portrayed by Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, Gary Cole, David Herman, Ajay Naidu, and Diedrich Bader. Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) is a computer programmer working for Initech in Houston. Every day, he and his friends Samir (Ajay Naidu) and Michael Bolton (David Herman), suffer endless indignities and humiliations in their soulless workspace from their soulless boss, Bill Lumbergh (Gary Cole).
Office Space plays tonight, April 28 at 6 and 9 pm. Dinner will be served 30 minutes prior to each screening. Doors will close promptly at 6:00 pm for early screening and 10:00 pm for late screening. Seating is limited. Reservations highly recommended.
The Lyric’s Flagler Center is located at 201 SW Flagler Avenue, in the former Flagler Park Recreation Center. The Lyric’s Flagler Center is a versatile multi-purpose venue that can be easily transformed into a black box theater, a dance club, a dinner theatre or an intimate concert setting.
The Center is owned by the City of Stuart and is operated by the Lyric Theatre. The venue is available for rent for everything from meetings to weddings; it will accommodate up to 370 people.
For rental information, call 772-220-1942, ext. 216. Ticketing for Flagler Center performances is handled through the Lyric Theatre box office at 772- 286-7827 or online at