Florida's Mount Dora High School has been getting a lot of extra attention in the past few weeks. Last month, one of their teachers, Jerry Buell took to his Facebook page after seeing a news story about marriage equality in New York. His status update said that he "nearly threw up" upon hearing about the state's decision to allow gays and lesbians to marry.
Buell was immediately suspended and then upon threat of a lawsuit, he was reinstated by the school district citing first amendment rights. Since then, students have come forward to describe the atmosphere in his classroom, which was less-than welcoming for LGBT and students.
In the interest of letting LGBT students at Mt. Dora H.S. know they are supported in their academic environment, a Change.org petition was launched by Jamie McGonnigal to get Mr. Buell's colleagues to put together an "It Gets Better" video.Now, I live happily in Los Angeles with my partner, my child and three dogs.
Trust me. It does get better.
(Remember kids: one day, you'll be able to talk about it. Maybe even write a movie about it.)"
The petition can be found at: http://www.change.org/petitions/mt-dora-hs-show-lgbt-students-it-gets-better.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride/WM Photos