Two political candidates out to get each other...sound familiar? No, not in DC or NY, but right in Pembroke Pines at the Pembroke Pines Theater of the Performing Arts (pptopa) production of the current Broadway hit, Gore Vidal's "THE BEST MAN". Coming tonight, July 20-July 22, July 27-29, August 3-5, & August 10-11; Fri/Sat at 8 PM & Sat/Sun at 2 PM.
Make a date with your political friend (or enemy) to see this hilarious political satire on just what can develop at a nominating conventon. Like real life, current events, Mr. Vidal contrasts the minds, emotions, and fighting spirits of the two candidates in a morality play that explores what makes people tick and just what people will, and will not do, on their way to the political top.
Cast your vote for reserve seats at (954-437-4884) and buy tickets online at