Florida Motion Picture & Television Association (FMPTA), Metro Orlando Chapter is pleased to introduce Los Angeles based entertainment speaker Jessica Sitomar, The Greenlight Coach, as the featured speaker and honored guest on Monday, May 16th at 7:02pm at The Hilton Orlando|Almamonte Springs.
Getting Work in Episodic Television, presented by Ms. Sitomer, furthers FMPTA commitment to provide tools for its members to facilitate employment.
"With so many shows on television, it should be easy to get episodic work regularly," noted Ms. Sitomer. "Yet, so many people are doing the same 3 things over and over with few or no results."
Learn the 3 crucial steps for getting episodic work: the most effective way to research potential jobs, how to make getting hired for episodics easier, and how to be THE ONE they want to hire. You'll also learn the 3 mistakes people make while pursuing episodic work, so if you're making them you can STOP.
During the FMPTA meeting, Ms. Sitomer will be revealing her proven strategies that have her clients working Jessica Sitomer has worked in the entertainment industry for eighteen years as a writer, an independent producer, a development associate, a director, and an actress. For fourteen of those years she's been a career coach for Entertainment Industry Professionals. Within that period she served for seven years as the in-house career coach for the International Cinematographers Guild. Ms. Sitomer has coached over 1000 people one-on-one, created over 40 seminar topics, run over 30 mastermind groups, and developed a successful mentor program. Now she personally works with working entertainment industry professionals who are clear on the work they want, but have hit a plateau, that neither their agent, nor themselves can propel them from.
Seminar is free to all FMPTA members statewide and first time guests. Returning guests are $10. Partial proceeds benefit FMPTA Metro Orlando's Craig Soldinger Memorial Educational Scholarship (CSMES) Fund.Videos