Fort Lauderdale Children's Theatre classes work progressively through a four-quarter school year, balancing learning in the art form of theatre with life skill development. We always welcome new students, who may enroll in any quarter without prior work.
Classes are creative drama based and their goal is to provide students with the confidence, creativity, teamwork, and poise to develop into happy, healthy young adults. For all our students, FLCT provides a nurturing community of fun and joy.
Classes introduce students to theatre concepts and skills that will support their work as actors and as people. Curriculum activities focus on identifying ways that the body, voice and imagination weave together as the tools of the trade. Trained professionals teach each class, and each quarter culminates in a showcase for family and friends performed on the last day of class. So jump right in! Challenge the art within, expand awareness and awaken self-confidence through our fabulous classes.
Class Start Dates by Day
Mondays - November 7