Florida Studio Theatre brings a giggling and guffawing program designed just for kids to the Goldstein Cabaret. The Kids Komedy Club will bring sketch comedy and improvisation written for kids, by kids and rated ‘K' for kids of all ages to the stage every Saturday morning beginning November 7.
You're invited to a rollicking good time! Led by a troupe of young actors aged nine to 17, the audience will be spectators and participants in sketch comedy, improve games, and parodies of today's fast-paced facebooking, tweeting, and iPhone-ing generation.
The first incarnation of Kids Komedy Club can be traced back to the late 1980s, but under the new direction of Adam Ratner, a thirty-something veteran of the original club, a 21st century troupe emerges ready to fill a niche that Sarasota is seriously lacking: Entertainment for Children.
"I feel like I've come full circle," Ratner said. "I see the thrill these kids get out of being on stage, creating and making audiences laugh and I'm transported back 20 years. Now I get to be a part of that creative magic again."
No need for parents or grandparents to worry about age appropriate material or any financial strain: KKC strives to fill all needs by providing low admission tickets (only $6, including lunch!) and a show that will be appropriately hilarious for kids of all ages.
Florida Studio Theatre's Mission Statement has always been to strive to bring arts to as many people as possible at the most affordable costs; the KKC is no different. It seeks to present the thrill of theatrical experience to children (and adults) who may never have seen a live performance or have even set foot in a theatre.
Seeing young actors on stage performing can inspire children to become more actively involved in the creative arts. FST can provide encouragement and training. Each of the actors in the KKC troupe are students who have been taking acting workshops at FST for several years.
Freedom for the young actors to create is a key element to building the Kids Komedy Club shows. This is accomplished by introducing various improvisation exercises to develop silly characters, spark ideas for sketches and implements the need for imaginative and abstract thinking. Many of the same exercise are used in our adult improve workshops and the FST IMPROV! Troupe, which has been bringing laughter to Sarasota audiences for nearly ten years.
Florida Studio Theatre's Education Program offers a wide variety of workshops for youth and adults that are now being held year round. From beginning acting to advanced Master Classes, improvisation and behind the scenes forums where one can see the evolution of a professional production from the first reading of the script to opening night.
Returning the Kids Komedy Club to the stage as a part of the 2009-2010 seasons is only a small sample of how FST is keeping its finger on the pulse of the community by providing quality entertainment at a very low cost for youth and adult audiences. The Kids Komedy Club gets the laughs going starting November 7 at 11:00 am. Tickets are available online or by calling our box office at 366-9000.
For more information on the Kids Komedy Club, FST's Education Program and workshops for youth and adults, please visit our website at www.floridastudiotheatre.org.