Steve Solomon has a busy South Florida winter ahead. He will perform his Stand Up comedy at the Lyric Theatre in Stuart, on December 3rd ; a prequel to his wildly successful My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish, & I'm in Therapy aptly and appropriately called My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm STILL in Therapy...the Chaos Continues... will play from December 18th through December 22nd at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts - returning there by popular demand after last year's sold out run; and his new show, Cannoli, Latkes & Guilt! The Therapy Continues...will open at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts and run from February 5ththrough February 16th.
Solomon's humor is universal, and universally loved. Enhanced by his talent for impersonation and his mastery of different dialects - he does approximately 20 different characters and voices in his shows - his stories about his mixed heritage Italian/Jewish family resonate with everyone, no matter what their ethnicity, and have had audiences in stitches for over 3200 performances. In fact his recent performances of Still in Therapy broke all box office and attendance records in the 28 year history of the Bristol Riverside Theatre in Philadelphia.
And as Solomon will tell you himself - he's politically incorrect:
"Of course I am! My entire family is politically incorrect; and that's what helpsmake the shows so funny. The very fact that we can go out to the theatre a spend an evening laughing at ourselves-and the antics of others - without fear of pending imprisonment helps make this the great country it is - or used to be before the hordes of the politically correct police came banging on our doors."
He will also tell you his shows are full of stereotypes:
"Yep," he says, in answer to his 'politically correct' critics "That was my life; stereotypical Italian and Jewish aunts who spent the entire day in house dresses stirring sauces and soup. Since I'm describing my family as they were, why should anyone be offended by the stereotypes I portray when the people who ARE the stereotypes don't get offended?
"In fact," he continues, "Not once, in the 11 years my plays have been touring,have I ever received a complaint from a patron about how offended they were - indeed it's usually the opposite. I get dozens of e-mails and letters thanking me for the show and saying, '....that was my uncle....' Or, 'you nailed my Mom....'" "...I think we grew up in the same house..."Steve Solomon epitomizes the word 'multifaceted'. He is an accomplished pianist, composer, and lyricist; a member of MENSA, a painter and cartoonist (all his show logos are his own creations); a teacher - he has two Master's degrees and an SDA and ABD degree in education and taught physics in Long Island, New York (where he eventually became Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools); and according to his wife he can fix anything except, according to Solomon, the way certain seniors drive in South Florida!
Solomon, who lives in Boynton Beach, is extremely happy to be performingagain in his own 'stomping grounds': "Why do I come back to the Kravis Center or the Lyric or Coral Springs? The people! South Florida has some of the most sophisticated and delicious audiences in the country-they love to laugh and I love to perform for them. It's that simple!"
Tickets for all performances are on sale now. Please see the list below for performance venues, dates, times, and ticket prices.
Steve Solomon Performance Schedule:
Steve Solomon - Stand Up
December 3
Showtime: 7:00 pm
The Lyric Theater
59 S.W. Flagler Avenue,
Stuart, FL 34994
Tickets: $35
Phone: 772-286-7827
To purchase tickets on line:
My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm STILL in Therapy... the chaos continues
December 18 - December 22
Wednesday, December 18 at 7:30 PM
Thursday, December 19 at 7:30 PM
Friday, December 20 at 7:30 PM
Saturday, December 21 at 2:00 PM
Saturday, December 21 at 7:30 PM
Sunday, December 22 at 7:00 PM
The Kravis Center for the Performing Arts
Marshall E. Rinker, Sr. Playhouse
701 Okeechobee Blvd,
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Tickets: $30
Phone: 561-832-7469 or 800-572-8471
To purchase tickets on line:
Steve Solomon's Cannoli, Latkes, & Guilt! The Therapy Continues...
February 5 - 16
Wednesday: 2 pm & 7:30 pm
Thursday: 7:30 pm
Friday: 8 pm
Saturday: 2 pm & 8 pm
Sunday: 2 pm
Ticket prices:
Wednesday & Thursday: $45.50/$42.50
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: $49.50/$44.50
The Coral Springs Center for the Arts
2855 Coral Springs Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phone: 954-344-5990
Group Sales: 1-888-264-1788
Praise for Steve Solomon's Comedy:
"Judging from the riotous response at a recent performance, it is obvious that
Solomon has it right."
Caryn Robbins-Broadway World
"I Think Steve Solomon Is Funny as Hell!"
Mark Gabrish Conlan-San Diego Magazine
"...great comic timing..."
Nicholas Linnehan-NY
"He's in Therapy; We're in Stitches"
The Washington Post
"Solomon weaves his stories so deftly, that you don't see the punch line
coming until you are collapsed in a helpless puddle of giggles."
Marianne Regan-San Diego Magazine
"He is a polished performer who knows how to work a crowd and give them
what will keep them happy and make them laugh..."
Pat Craig-Theatre Critic, San Diego Times