Carnival Center Presents…
2006-2007 Premiere Season!Tickets for all shows listed below are NOW ON SALE! To purchase your tickets and for up-to-date information about all Carnival Center shows, visit http://WWW.CARNIVAL CENTER.ORG or call 1(866)949-6722. The Carnival Center is at 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL. 33132
*Additional shows will be announced throughout the year. OCTOBER 2006world music and danceNew Jungle Orchestra is subsided by The Danish Arts Council
What do cutting-edge jazz, a bit of Bollywood, down-home blues, world music rhythms, and "Cheek to Cheek" have in common?: The unconditional love of Danish guitarist Pierre Dorge and his 10-piece ensemble of musicians gathered from the hippest clubs in Copenhagen. With verve, inspired playing and a healthy sense of the absurd, Dorge and company create their own, very entrancing world of jazz. "New Jungle Orchestra is subsidized by The Danish Arts Council"April 14; 8 p.m.$62, $52, $45, $35, $28, $15 Knight Concert HallMAY 2007pop music and home runsFALL IN LOVE TODAY! ADOPT A PET FROM YOUR LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTER