The Bay Street Players announce the opening production of The Bay Street Project 2010-2011 series. The first of the five show series opens Sept. 26 for three performances only. This Alternative production series starts off with the savory, savage backstage comedy "Anton in Show Business" by Jane Martin. An all-female cast performs multiple roles (including men) in this uproarious comedy about an egotistic television actress, a jaded New Yorker and an eager ingénue brought together for an ill-fated production of Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters in San Antonio, Texas. Anton takes aim at producers, directors, surgically beautified actors, crass sponsors, critics and even such sacred topics as multiculturalism, and satirizes, celebrates and challenges the importance of theatre as an art form today. There is a 7:30 curtain for the three consecutive Sunday shows on September 26, October 3 and October 10.
This production is directed by Joel Warren and features many of Bay Street Players favorite female actresses: Ashley Willsey; Francie Moon; Amanda Warren; Debbie Sussman; Tara Whitman; Chasteen Mullins; JoAnn Marchand. The play contains adult language and situations.
The production is at the historic State Theatre, 109 North Bay Street Eustis, FL. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students and may be purchased on line at or by calling the box office at 352-357-7777. You may also purchase season tickets for all five productions in The Bay Street Project for $40.00.