On Friday, January 29th, Frankie Valli rocked the stage at the Seminole Hard Rock Live in Hollywood, Florida. The musical icon strutted the platform in his pristine suits and carrying vocals like the suave professional he is, making for an entrancing show.
The crowd cheered as familiar sounds of "Grease," "Sherry" and "My Eyes Adored You" were belted out on stage by the small man with the booming voice. But the old hits weren't the only ones heard on stage by the Four Seasons' main man. He showcased a few new tracks hinted with sultry Latin flavor with old school charm, that he said brought him back all the way to the 40s.
And these new songs were treated well from the high-energy crowd, especially with Frankie egging them on with playful taunts like, "you ready to rock?" Of course the crowd was ready to rock. It's Frankie Valli after all.
But the night wouldn't be complete without the talented male backup singers, mimicking the traditional Four Seasons moves and reaching some high notes most women can't acquire. The live band was also a solid addition with its key players hitting every beat, every dance and every joke Frankie shelled out.
Frankie Valli proves he's a talented music legend with plenty to say - and a voice we're always happy to hear from.