The Manatee Players will hold auditions on Sunday October 2 and 3 at 7 p.m. for the musicals Happy Days and Elton John'S AIDA.
The auditions are at the Manatee Players, 102 Old Main Street in downtown Bradenton. Happy Days is being directed by Cory Boyas and AIDA is being directed by Rick Kerby.
Performance dates for Happy Days are January 12-29 and performance dates for AIDA are February 23-March 11. Those auditioning are seen in the order they arrive. You only need to attend one of the two nights. Come prepared with song (sheet music in correct key) or with a CD track. You may be asked to stay to dance or read from script. There are NO roles for children in either of these shows.
Questions can be directed to Rick Kerby at 941-748-0111.