Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA) is proud to present a solo exhibition by Alicia Rodriguez. Palimpsest features large-format mixed media paintings, which appear monochromatic at first look, but later reveal a metaphoric connection between the tragic events taking place in her native country of Venezuela and Dante's Inferno. Her work will be on view in the West Gallery from December 6, 2019 through January 28, 2020. The free opening reception is Friday, December 6 from 6pm to 10pm during Old Town Untapped. For more information,
"What appears to be a painting is in fact a series of layers to be examined," said Phyllis Korab, Cultural Affairs Director. "Alica's work evokes a dark, reflective and introspective mood, capturing her emotional state as she witnesses the events in her turmoil-filled homeland."
The definition of Palimpsest is a piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain. Alicia Rodriguez uses this concept throughout this exhibition, challenging viewers to see multiple layers on canvas.
Through detailed observation, the viewer discovers the different layers with multiple materials applied to each of the surfaces exhibited, each layer and each texture reflecting on the artist's experiences as she faced political turmoil in her lifetime. Each painting is approached as a manuscript that holds many stories, on the same page.
Alicia Rodriguez lives and works in Florida. Born in New York City in a multicultural artistic family and later raised in Venezuela, she studied architecture at the Central University of Venezuela and fine arts at the Cristobal Rojas Visual Arts School, both in Caracas, Venezuela. During her career, she has worked at Atelier Delta Architecture in Paris, France and studied gilding and glass mosaic restoration under a UNESCO program in Florence, Italy.
Alicia had been a photography professor at Nueva Esparta University Graphic Design School and the Villasmil De Leon Design Institute and has been involved with a nonprofit organization for children with special needs, La Ventana de Los Cielos, providing art lessons children. She presently has a studio in Studio 18 in the Pines where she gives classes and continues to create.
Bailey Contemporary Arts is located at 41 NE 1st Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33060.