Economic Stimulus Productions presents the first "After Hours" Series production in American Stage Theatre Company's new building, the brand new musical AN EVENING WITH THE FRIENDS OF DOROTHY, A Judy Garland CABARET. Prizes will also be awarded nightly for Judy Garland look-alikes (male or female). The cost is "Pay What You Can" and performances are June 12 thru 28.
AN EVENING WITH THE FRIENDS OF DOROTHY: A Judy Garland CABARET is a night of songs celebrating the American icon in a month that marks both her birth and the 40th anniversary of her death. Follow the yellow brick road and enjoy such song titles as "Zing! Went the Strings of my Heart", "Swanee", "You Made Me Love You", "Do It Again", and of course, "Over the Rainbow".This New York style cabaret will take place in the new lobby of American Stage (163 3rd Street North, St. Petersburg, FL), which features comfortable living room style seating, a full service bar including EcStim's signature jello-shots and Pabst Blue Ribbon, and a backdrop of windows overlooking the lighted trees of Williams Park.American Stage is a not-for-profit professional theatre founded in 1977. The company's mission is to create the most satisfying live theatre in the Tampa Bay area, accessible to all members of the community. Their vision is to preserve the greatest human stories from our past, while creating the most defining stories and storytelling of our time. American Stage presents six plays on its brand new state of the art 182 seat performance space in the 2008-09 season. The theatre's other programming includes: School Tour, classes and summer camp for children. The Hough Family Foundation is the Season Sponsors, Raymond James is the Mainstage Sponsor and WUSF 89.7 is the Radio Sponsor of American Stage.