XXI INTERNATIONAL HISPANIC THEATRE FESTIVALJune 1-25, 2006Miami Coral Gables Key Biscayne Fort Lauderdale Florida, U.S.A.The acclaimed International Hispanic Theatre Festival, presented by Teatro Avante and American Airlines, the festival's official airline, is celebrating its 21st anniversary season by bringing the finest theatre groups from the United States, Latin America and Europe to various locations in South Florida, June 1-25, 2006.►The Festival lasts four weeks, and most performances are scheduled Thursday through Sunday.►The Festival is held in four South Florida cities (Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne and Fort Lauderdale) in two counties (Miami- Dade and Broward).►The Festival opens, for the first time, at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts – Amaturo Theatre in Fort Lauderdale.►The Festival's venues include, for the first time, The Miracle Theatre, in Coral Gables.►The Festival is also being held at Miami Dade College's InterAmerican and Wolfson Campuses and the Tower Theater, all in Miami, the Key Biscayne Community Center in Key Biscayne and the Broward Center for the Performing Arts-Amaturo Theatre in Fort Lauderdale.
►The Festival includes three world premieres.►The Festival encompasses 11 productions that represent six countries. They include plays staged in Spanish with English supertitles, theatre-dance performances and children's theatre.►The Festival's International Children's Day celebration is again presented in collaboration with Miami Dade College's InterAmerican Campus.►The Educational Component of the Festival, under the direction of Dr. Beatriz J. Rizk and co-presented by the Florida Center for the Literary Arts at Miami Dade College, includes post-performance forums, a conference titled Current Trends in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts and a theatre directors' round table.►The Festival's "Life Achievement in the Performing Arts Award" will be presented to director/actor/playwright Edda de los Ríos of Paraguay.►The Festival's poster was designed by internationally renowned artist Baruj Salinas. The XXI International Hispanic Theatre Festival (IHTF) features productions in Spanish, some with English supertitles. Eleven productions from six countries – the United States, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Spain and Venezuela – are in the lineup.
Festival producer TEATRO AVANTE once again raises the curtain on Hispanic culture at the opening of our 21st anniversary celebration, with the U.S. premiere of Una tempestad (A Tempest,) an adaptation by Raquel Carrió of Shakespeare's The Tempest. This production, directed by Lilliam Vega, was selected by the National Endowment for the Arts to be part of the Shakespeare in American Communities: Shakespeare for a New Generation project, and is being performed in Spanish with English supertitles.Local theatre is represented by two world premieres: El hombre que vino del mar (The Man Who Came from the Sea,) written and directed by Rolando Moreno, in a co-production by MAROMA PLAYERS and CREATION ART CENTER in collaboration with Miami Dade College, and El cuento de René (René's Story,) by René Ariza, a collection of monologues directed by Larry Villanueva, presented by PROMETEO – MDC Wolfson Campus, one of the Festival's founding companies.
Three Spanish companies have been invited. Seville's TEATRO DEL MENTIDERO returns with Mi madre amadísima (My Beloved Mother), written and directed by Santiago Escalante, starring Ramón Rivero; Bilbao's FTI FABRICA DE TEATRO IMAGINARIO presents Yuri Sam, directed by Ander Lipus; and MASKARADA S.L. also from Bilbao, brings us the world premiere of Picasso 1937, la historia del Guernica (Picasso 1937, the Story of "Guernica,") directed by Carlos Panera.From Paraguay, LA FARANDULA presents Kuña Rekove by Edda de los Rios (2006 Life Achievement Award), directed by Marcelino Duffau. PRODUCCIONES HERNAN GALINDO, from Mexico, presents Los niños de sal (Children of Salt,) written and directed by Hernán Galindo.From Colombia, GRUPO TEATRO LA MASCARA presents Casa Matriz (Parent Company,) by Argentine author Diana Raznovich, directed by Diego Vélez, and MASK ENTERTAINMENT presents Puck "El Duende" (la alegría del Amazonas) (Puck the Sprite, Joy of the Amazon) written and directed by Antonio Vásquez Valencia, celebrating International Children's Day, in collaboration with Miami Dade College- InterAmerican Campus. From Venezuela, GRUPO ACTORAL 80 presents El dia que me quieras (The Day You Love Me) by Jose Ignacio Cabrujas, directed by Juan Carlos Gené, in Spanish with English supertitles.
PROGRAMFor security reasons, the United States has severely tightened restrictions on visas and other travel documents. Such restrictions may impair our ability to adhere to the published festival schedule. Please bear with us and keep in mind that our program may change without notice. Thursday/Friday, June 1 & 2 – 8:30 P.M.TEATRO AVANTE, Miami, Florida, UNITED STATESA TEMPEST, adaptation by Raquel Carrió based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest. Directed by Lilliam Vega.This adaptation of the famous romance play is set in the New World and deals with the quest for justice and freedom and the impossible dream of building a utopian society on an island, themes that still resonate today. The illusion of thunder and magical atmosphere embrace characters and audience alike in a truly hypnotic theatrical event. (In Spanish with English supertitles)This production is part of the project Shakespeare in American Communities: Shakespeare for a New Generation, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts in cooperation with Arts Midwest.
Broward Center for the Performing Arts – Amaturo Theatre201 Southwest Fifth Avenue, Fort LauderdaleTickets: 954. 462-0222 – www.browardcenter.com Co-presented by the Broward Center for the Performing ArtsSaturday, June 3 – 8:00 P.M. & Sunday, June 4 – 7:00 P.M.MAROMA PLAYERS & CREATION ART CENTER, Miami, Florida, UNITED STATESIn collaboration with Miami Dade College.EL HOMBRE QUE VINO DEL MAR, written and directed by Rolando Moreno.Inspired by a Tennessee Williams play based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, "The Man Who Came from the Sea" brings some of Williams? creatures back to life in contemporary Miami, the Florida mini-Babel that struggles like an adolescent to define its identity amid indescribable growing pains. WORLD PREMIERETower Theater, 1508 S.W. 8th Street, MiamiTickets: 305. 549-7712Thursday/Friday/Saturday – June 8, 9 & 10 – 8:30 P.M.Sunday, June 11 – 5:00 P.M. TEATRO AVANTE, Miami, Florida, UNITED STATES
A TEMPEST, adaptation by Raquel Carrió, based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest. Directed by Lilliam Vega.This adaptation of the famous romance play is set in the New World and deals with the quest for justice and freedom and the impossible dream of building a utopian society on an island, themes that still resonate today. The illusion of thunder and magical atmosphere embrace characters and audience alike in a truly hypnotic theatrical event. (In Spanish with English supertitles)This production is part of the project Shakespeare in American Communities: Shakespeare for a New Generation, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts in cooperation with Arts Midwest.The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293Saturday, June 10 – 9:00 A.M. EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT – CONFERENCECo-presented by the Florida Center for the Literary Arts at Mami Dade CollegeCURRENT TRENDS IN LATINO AND LATIN AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS
Tower Theater, 1508 S.W. 8th Street, MiamiInformation: 305. 445-8877 (Free)Co-sponsored by the Ford FoundationSaturday, June 10 – 8:00 P.M. & Sunday, June 11 – 3:00 P.M.LA FARÁNDULA, Asuncion, PARAGUAYKUÑA REKOVE, by Edda de los Ríos. Directed by Marcelino Duffau.A psychologist's arrival in a small provincial town sparks a conversation that conjures up characters of different ages and personalities who, in relating their lives, bring the audience into their world, one long ignored or forgotten by urbanites. Here, laughter and weeping become one as the stories depict the Paraguayan peasant without evasion, dualism or melodrama. The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293Sunday, June 11 – 4:00 P.M. INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DAY In collaboration with Miami Dade College – InterAmerican CampusMASK ENTERTAINMENT, Bogota, COLOMBIAPUCK "EL DUENDE" (LA ALEGRÍA DEL AMAZONAS.) Written and directed by Antonio Vásquez Valencia.
Fun, enriching and magical, Puck retells some of Colombia's most beautiful myths and legends, and kindles in children feelings of respect for the country's diverse cultural groups. MDC-InterAmerican Campus, 627 S.W. 27th Avenue, Miami Information: 305. 445-8877 / 305. 237-6180 (Free)Monday, June 12 – 7:00 P.M. DRAMATIC READINGLA CASA DE TODOS, by Neher Jacqueline Briceño. Directed by Lilliam Vega.(María Teresa León Award)Teatro Avante, 744 S.W. 8th Street, 2nd Floor, MiamiReservations: 305. 445-8877 (Free)Wednesday/Thursday – June 14 & 15 – 8:30 P.M.PROMETEO – Miami Dade College, Miami, Florida, UNITED STATESEL CUENTO DE RENÉ, by René Ariza. Directed by Larry Villanueva.A collection of frenzied monologues, intertwined with images from Ariza's literary works and life, that convey a place-rooted reality channeled by the genius of the author and colored by his personal experiences in his native land.
Prometeo, MDC – Wolfson Campus, 300 N.E. 2nd Avenue, MiamiTickets: 305. 237-3262Thursday/Friday – June 15 & 16 - 8:30 P.M. TEATRO DEL MENTIDERO, Seville, SPAINIn collaboration with the Spanish Culture Ministry's National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) and the Cultural Council of Andalusia's regional government. MI MADRE AMADÍSIMA, written and directed by Santiago Escalante.A homosexual in his fifties takes us on a journey through the funniest, meanest and most heartbreaking Andalusia, under his mother's gaze, the Blessed Virgin's protection and his father's neglect, sharing tales of faithless lovers, scant friendships, battles won and wars lost. The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293Saturday, June 17 – 8:30 P.M. TEATRO AVANTE, Miami, Florida, UNITED STATESA TEMPEST, an adaptation by Raquel Carrió, based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest. Directed by Lilliam Vega.This adaptation of the famous romance play is set in the New World and deals with the quest for justice and freedom and the impossible dream of building a utopian society on an island, themes that still resonate today. The illusion of thunder and magical atmosphere embrace characters and audience alike in a truly hypnotic theatrical event.
(In Spanish with English supertitles)This production is part of the project Shakespeare in American Communities: Shakespeare for a New Generation, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts in cooperation with Arts Midwest.Key Biscayne Community Center, 10 Village Green Way, Key BiscayneCo-sponsored by Key Biscayne Community Foundation and the Village of Key Biscayne.Reservations: 305. 365-7570 Saturday, June 17 – 8:00 P.M. & Sunday, June 18 – 3:00 P.M.GRUPO TEATRO LA MÁSCARA, Cali, COLOMBIACASA MATRIZ, by Diana Raznovich. Directed by Diego Vélez.Through the theatrical convention of a "play within a play," this comedy-drama elicits elicits open laughter and immediate reflection because of its witty and critical way of delving into the emotional relationship between mother and daughter, the interpersonal dealings of individuals in everyday social life and the family structure of a system in crisis. The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables
Tickets: 305. 444-9293Saturday, June 17 – 8:30 P.M. & Sunday, June 18 – 5:00 P.M.GRUPO ACTORAL 80, Caracas, VENEZUELAEL DÍA QUE ME QUIERAS, by José Ignacio Cabrujas. Directed by Juan Carlos Gené.Carlos Gardel, the Americas' first and greatest icon, as perfect and glorious as only his adoring fans could imagine him, appears before us as a dazzling thunderbolt in the midst of family squabbles, only to continue on a journey that shortly thereafter will take him back to eternity. (In Spanish with English supertitles)The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293Co-sponsored by COMMERCEBANKThursday/Friday, June 22 & 23 - 8:30 P.M. PRODUCCIONES HERNÁN GALINDO, Monterrey, MÉXICOLOS NIÑOS DE SAL, written and directed by Hernán Galindo.Tinged with joys and heartaches, the return of a mature man to his place of birth becomes a journey into the depths of a human being, showing life as it is but through the crystal of magic and memories, where one way or another we all see our reflection. The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293Saturday, June 24 – 8:00 P.M. & Sunday, June 25 - 3:00 P.M. FTI FÁBRICA DE TEATRO IMAGINARIO, Bilbao, SPAINYURI SAM, by Jon Gerediaga. Directed by Ander Lipus.A shaman spirit travels through the cosmos visiting the living. He comes to pray for those who don't pray, to reveal the mysteries of the other side, to confirm that the privileges of life are incomparable and that death is not, nor will ever be, beautiful. There is nothing like life, and above all there is nothing like the liberating ability to sin. The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293Saturday, June 24 – 8:30 P.M. & Sunday, June 25 – 5:00 P.M.MASKARADA S.L., Bilbao, SPAINPICASSO 1937, historia del Guernica, by Carlos Panera, Federico García Lorca, Antonio Machado, César Vallejo, Miguel Hernández, Pablo Picasso and Honoré de Balzac. Directed by Carlos Panera.The artist's contained creative energy finally explodes with the destruction of Guernica. Here, Picasso's inspiration and effort unite art and indictment into a masterpiece. Taken to the United States, the painting sets out on its mission to travel and denounce, becoming, more than a canvas, a heartrending cry to the world. The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesTickets: 305. 444-9293WORLD PREMIEREEDUCATIONAL PROGRAM presented by TEATRO AVANTE ● AMERICAN AIRLINESFLORIDA CENTER FOR THE LITERARY ARTS – MIAMI DADE COLLEGECo-sponsored by the Ford FoundationBeatriz J. Rizk, Ph.D., DirectorThursday, June 27 – 5:30 P.M. MEET THE ARTIST – Festival Poster Baruj Salinas, ArtistCremata Art Gallery, 1646 S.W. 8th Street, MiamiInformation: 305. 644-3315 Co-sponsored by Cremata Art Gallery & Bacardí, U.S.A.Thursday, June 1 – 7:00 P.M. OPENING RECEPTION – Broward CountyBroward Center for the Performing Arts – Amaturo Theatre201 Southwest Fifth Ave., Fort LauderdaleInformation: 954. 462-0222 June 1-25 POST-PERFORMANCE FORUMSEach forum is conducted in the language in which the preceding play is performed.Information: 305. 445-8877 Thursday, June 8– 7:00 P.M. OPENING RECEPTION – Miami-Dade CountyThe Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesInformation: 305. 445-8877 Thursday, June 8 – 10:00 P.M. 2006 LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PRESENTATION Edda de los Ríos (PARAGUAY)The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral GablesInformation: 305. 445-8877 Saturday, June 10 - 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. CONFERENCECurrent Trends in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts Tower Theater, 1508 S.W. 8th Street, MiamiInformation: 305. 445-8877 / 305. 237-3475 (In Spanish. Some translation available.)Sunday, June 25 – 7:00 P.M. CLOSING RECEPTION The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables Information: 305. 445-8877 All Educational Program events are free. THEATRE LOCATIONS:CORAL GABLESTHE MIRACLE THEATRE, 280 Miracle Mile – 305. 444-9293 MIAMIMIAMI DADE COLLEGE, InterAmerican Campus, 627 S.W. 27th Avenue - 305. 237-6186 PROMETEO-MIAMI DADE COLLEGE, Wolfson Campus , 300 N.E. 2nd Avenue - 305. 237-3262 TOWER THEATRE, 1508 S.W. 8th Street - 305. 237-3940 KEY BISCAYNE KEY BISCAYNE COMMUNITY CENTER, 10 Village Green Way - 305. 365-7570 FORT LAUDERDALE AMATURO THEATRE, BCPA, 201 Southwest Fifth Avenue - 954. 462-0222TO PURCHASE TICKETS BY TELEPHONE: 305. 444-9293 IN PERSON: The Miracle Theatre, 280 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables, FL BY MAIL: Teatro Avante, 744 S.W. 8th St., 2nd Floor, Miami, FL 33130 ADMISSION: $30Senior citizens, students, physically challenged and groups: $25 FESTIVAL HOTLINE: 305.445-8877 * FESTIVAL FAX: 305.445-1301 Email: TeAvante@aol.com * http://www.teatroavante.com