"Siddhartha, The Musical" returns to Guadalajara for its 2nd round of shows this weekend. The musical based on the novel by Herman Hesse, tells the story of a born-to-be King who decides to quit the luxury of royalty life in search for inner light.
The show was born as part of a rehabilitation program at Milan's 'Opera' high security prison. 'Opera' contacted singer and composer Isabella Biffi, and asked her to create a Musical Theatre Workshop to help rehabilitate the interns. Four years after the workshop, one of the musicals created there was transferred to a real stage in Milan. This is how "Siddhartha" started its long journey.
I had the chance to talk with Jordi Vall, the director of the show, and here's what he has to say about their return to Guadalajara:
BWW: What differences will the audience see this time compared to the last time "Siddhartha, The Musical" was in town?
JV: Well, bigger scenography and a new lighting design. We also have new costumes that are more colorful, designed with new fabrics brought from India. We added a couple of scenes to the show and choreographies by Edgar Reyes that make it more spectacular.
BWW: Last time half of the dancers and the leading actor were italian, has that changed?
JV: No. We still have the same italian and mexican dancers and Giorgio Adamo is still playing the lead. The rest of the cast is mexican, specifically from Guadalajara, and just one actor from Monterrey: Luis Gerardo Ayala, who's Siddhartha's understudy and currently playing 'Govinda'.
BWW: Tell us about the music of "Siddhartha, The Musical".
JV: Fabio Codega is the composer and vocal director, he is so talented, the music of the show is gorgeous and it really transports you.
BWW: How long have you been directing the show?
JV: I've been directing since the spanish version of the show was created and the italian-mexican version as well. Daniele Cauduro directed the italian version and he's here in Guadalajara this time for support.
BWW: How's the tour been so far?
JV: "Siddhartha" previously played in Mexico City for a short season, with Luis Gerardo as the lead and at the same time the italian company was presenting it in Germany with Giorgio playing the lead. Before that, they were in Milan, with the great news that they hired our mexican dancers to perform in Italy.
After these shows we're performing in Puerto Vallarta for 1 night only and we're seeking to visit more cities in Latin America.
BWW: Having an italian-mexican cast and crew must be difficult with the language and culture barriers, how have you managed this situation?
JV: When I started directing the show I was living in Guadalajara (he's from Spain) and for me it was an amazing experience to be able to share mexican talent with italian talent. We've become a real family and when we've had to say goodbye, there are always tears because there's such great communion and good vibes among us; which to me is very important considering the message of the show we're in. If there weren't good vibes, we wouldn't be able to transmit the message of this musical, so this helps us to achieve our main goal.
In times of crisis like we're living right now, "Siddhartha" invites us to take care of each other with a message telling us that we can make a better world to live in if we're good hearted people. And that's what we have created within the team in every rehearsal.
BWW: Any last thoughts?
JV: Yes, I'd punctuate the fact that not many people have read Herman Hesse's novel, and I'd like to invite people to do so. It's easy to read, Hesse doesn't really stop to describe places, landscapes, etc. but he usually stops to address the importance of the speech, which we have prevailed in the show. We have amazing actors, amazing voices and dancers, new gorgeous lighting, I think the audiences will be wrapped in a multisensory experience; they'll find a family friendly show and will leave with a sense of hopefulness that's much needed in this day and age.
The music echoes the ancient indian culture and mixes it with contemporary sounds, very catchy. There's no secret, the music takes you by the hand, the script is interesting and carries you as well, and with an excellent creative team, there's no way to miss.
"Siddhartha, The Musical" will have 2 more shows, Friday June 29 and Saturday June 30 at 8:30pm, Teatro Jose Pablo Moncayo.