In this dark comedy, Rita Lyons is the matriarch of a family facing a major crossroads. Her husband, Ben, is dying and her grown children – a pathological liar and a recovering alcoholic, respectively, are stumbling. As the family gathers in Ben’s hospital room to say goodbye, attempts at sentimentality soon give way to attempts to emotionally annihilate one another. Terrible secrets are revealed, and they discover that they’re as terrified of being together as they are of being alone.
Tutti Frutti- The Life and Music of Little Richard (A New Musical)
Orpheum Theatre (Halloran Theatre) (6/28 - 6/28) | ||
Some Like It Hot
Orpheum Theatre Memphis (4/8 - 4/13) | ||
Hamilton (Angelica Company)
Orpheum Theatre Memphis (2/18 - 3/2) | ||
Not-So-Little Orphan Annie's HOLIDAY HANGOVER
Germantown Community Theatre (12/28 - 12/29) | ||
Kimberly Akimbo
Orpheum Theatre Memphis (6/24 - 6/29) | ||
THE FUNNY PAGES art show with MidSouth Cartoonists Association at GCT
Germantown Community Theatre (11/12 - 1/17) | ||
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