Fantastic Mr. Fox, an enchanting Roald Dahl tale dramatized by Sally Reed concerns the extraordinary adventures of nasty farmers, curious creatures and a family of foxes who take center stage at Theatre Memphis on the Lohrey Stage.
Directing the production, Leslie Barker, Director of Outreach and Education at Theatre Memphis, said, "This is a new model for our program. We formed a summer youth company. That group will perform a fully realized production. We wanted to extend the typical 'classroom' experience and explore what we could offer that was more than just classes for a week during the summer. Even with all the challenges, the kids have really come through to be a part of this new design on what 'drama class' can be. I am so proud of them."
The company consists of 22 youth ranging in age 12 to 16. All participants auditioned to be part of the company and rehearsed over a period of three weeks.
The professional children's touring group for Theatre Memphis, ShoWagon, will also be performing in the play. According to Theatre Memphis Executive Producer Debbie Litch, "One way we felt the experience for the children could be amplified was to have them act with the professionals. It has been quite the rehearsal process but everyone seems to have grown and learned and is looking forward to performing." Fantastic Mr. Fox runs Monday through Friday at 11am and Saturday and Sunday at 2pm, July 15 - 21, 2013.