After a successful initial trial during the past summer, the concept of an Acting Company composed of middle school and high school students is being extended to a full year program at Theatre Memphis. Teen Company is a select few teenagers that are chosen to work with the Theatre Memphis professional staff for the entire academic year and to have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities connected to the theater and current season.
The program will be accepting applicants with submissions due by August 16, 2013. Potential members must email application materials in order to be considered for a position in Teen Company. All applicants must submit a one page paper about a meaningful experience they have had in theatre and describe what they hope to learn within their year as a part of Teen Company.
If selected, Teen Company members will workshop to learn different departments of theatre production (performance, lighting design, set design, costume design, playwriting) during the first semester. In the second semester, with the assistance of a theatre professional, members will write and produce their own show. Members selected will be notified August 19, 2013.
Teen company will meet twice per month, September - May. Meeting days are the second and last Monday of the month from 5pm to 6pm. During the months of April & May, members will meet more often and for extended time periods to rehearse a show they have written with the performance happening in May as the culmination of the activities for the year. Cost for a one year, one time membership is $100; included in the membership is a T-shirt and activity provisions for the entire year of Teen Company. "We are looking for a group of unique young people to make this program something very special," says Theatre Memphis Executive Producer Debbie Litch. "Theatre Memphis has spent a great deal of time investing in the re-invention of what our outreach program to the community is and does. This is one of the wonderful things that have developed from that effort and we are pleased to be in the community with a program like this."
In addition to regular monthly meetings, Teen Company members must volunteer & audition for one show at Theatre Memphis during the course of the year. Leslie Barker, Director of Outreach and Education at Theatre Memphis says, "There will be a variety of options for volunteer opportunities. Members will sign up for a volunteer opportunity at the beginning of each semester. The auditioning process will give members practice in this skill and also provide an opportunity of how to handle the process. This is about gaining some real experience and about working in the real context of theater."
All submissions should be emailed to and should include name and phone number. For more information regarding the program, contact ShoWagon at Theatre Memphis at 901.682.5261.