Tennessee Shakespeare Company and WKNO public television/radio in Memphis, TN, are partnering January through May 2013 on a community-wide project to celebrate the works of Shakespeare and expose the community to his plays.
The two organizations will hold special events - such as screenings and workshops - produce special pieces for television and radio, and much more thanks to a national grant from WNET in New York for the PBS series, "Shakespeare Uncovered."
The partnership between TSC and WKNO is one of only ten such collaborations between public television stations and Shakespeare companies in the United States to receive the grant by WNET.
This special series will air Fridays, January 25 - February 8, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. on WKNO2, and the following Sunday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. on WKNO/Channel 10.