From fairy tales to advertisements to our daily interactions, women are taught that being "pretty" is the currency we pay in order to succeed. How many of us have stumbled into that pit of insecurity as a result? Who else is on a constant path of "self-improvement" to alter our weight, our skin, our grey hair, our leg hair, our chest..? The list goes on. And what does "pretty" really mean?
Find out what happens when a bold group of women of all shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds come together to explore the concept of beauty, in our new work - Pretty. - directed by Leslie Barker. Join us for a celebration of life and beauty told through intimate stories, hearty laughs, unexpected epiphanies, inspired dances, and perhaps a sock puppet or two.
From mirrors and make-up, to heartache and scars, we aren't holding anything back.
Optional talk-backs will be held after each performance to allow for audience members to participate in a continued dialogue and share their own thoughts and experiences.
Tickets available at the door or at the following link:
The mission of FEMMemphis is to champion all women+ by promoting and empowering the female, female-presenting, and gender queer artistic voices in the Memphis community.
Art in image by Jess Kirk