A videographer will edit the footage of all participants into mini films.
For over eight months, the coronavirus pandemic has challenged the U.S. and the world with a health crisis none have seen or imagined. On the front lines of a battle with no clear end in sight: nurses, doctors, pharmacists, EMTs, technicians, and many more in the medical profession. While COVID-19 has taken its own unique course in this region, Memphis is no exception.
To uplift the voices of Regional One Health's employees, Hattiloo Theatre is producing a monologue series entitled "Regional One Health - Monologues from the Front Lines of COVID-19," putting to use our fifteen years of experience and theatrical expertise in illuminating stories that are important to hear, but difficult to tell.
Hattiloo will pair each participating hospital employee with a theatre director to explore and practice sharing their stories of the pandemic: their professional struggles and personal sacrifices, the pent-up emotions of fear and grief, coping mechanisms and moments of growth, as well as their hopes and success stories.
A videographer will edit the footage of all participants into mini films. Each will be released via livestreaming on Zoom starting in November. The subjects of the film will also be invited to take part in a live interactive discussion exploring their own stories after the viewing of the short film.
Through this program, Hattiloo will give respect to these local heroes and provide critical support to the community in a time of great need. The films will offer the public a more humanized experience of COVID-19 and all who it affects. It will generate empathy and inspire solidarity in these still uncertain times. "Regional One Health - Monologues from the Front Lines of COVID-19" is sure to be "good medicine."