The event features artists and artisans' booths, food trucks, performances, and more!
Theatre Memphis will turn 100 years old on May 20, 2021, and will be hosting a May Day Celebration event on May 1, 2021, on the campus of the newly renovated facility as the first of several related events. There will be over 20 artists' and artisans' booths in the parking lot along with five premier food trucks to service the crowds. A performance stage will also be on the grounds all day, 10am - 4pm, with a wide variety of offerings, along with roving entertainment. A cash/credit beverage bar will also be open.
Vendors with booths participating can be viewed at Those include visual artists, potters, vintage and original clothing and accessories, specialty food chefs and more. The day's entertainment will vary from puppetry to dance demonstrations and comedy. The full list of performers can be seen at The food trucks serving that day are Good Groceries, El Mero Taco, Memphis Dim Sum, Cousins Maine Lobster and MemPops.
More details on the entire event are at Masks will be required for this free outdoor event, with all current safety COVID-19 protocols enforced.