The cast includes Jacqueline Teng, Jamie Teng, Tan Li Yang, and Toh Shir Ling.
Inner Thoughts will be presented at the The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac) May 6-9, 2021.
Delia Li's beautiful words are lifted from the page and transported to the stage Jamie Teng and Tan Li Yang with specially composed music by Jacqueline Teng & Toh Shir Ling, projection by Coebar Abel and lighting design by Yusman Mokhtar.
This will be the very first time Delia Li's poems are performed to a live audience. Originally from China, she has long since called Malaysia her home. To her life is like a dream, it should be full of sweetness and smiles. And one must be grateful to each flower, each tree, each cat, each person as they made us rich, cry, laugh and grow.
Let Delia Li's words soothe your soul as we attempt to heal from a difficult year.
The cast includes Jacqueline Teng, Jamie Teng, Tan Li Yang, and Toh Shir Ling.
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